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GIMFL writing class

5 posters

    Love or money


    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2011-08-24

    Love or money Empty Love or money

    Post  최현준2-3 Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:56 pm

    Last korean writing class, I and our classmates discussed what is the most important thing when we marry someone. Some students said money and richness is the most critical thing in marriage, another said beaty, and the other said values. No one spoke love, but teacher stated the best thing is love. When we heard 'love', everybody agreed with his opinion. However, when we chose only one option as essential thing for marriage, many students still chose money. Without love, is it happy to live? Money is happiness?

    I just wonder what GIMFL think. I want to listen your reasons for your arguements.

    What is the better one for marriage, Love or Money?


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-08-25

    Love or money Empty Re: Love or money

    Post  방승현2-3 Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:56 pm

    If there is a lover who is very rich, we don't actually need to discuss this topic. However, as we know, it is very difficult to find a rich person who I love. Because of this fact, we always try to deal with this topic. In my opinion, the most important thing in marriage is love. Love does not mean the appearance or the character, it just means the feeling of lover that cannot be felt from other people. With love, there is nothing to separate couple in this world. Moreover, marriage is the most precious work that decides partner who will share our remaining days. If we get married at thirty, we have to be with our partner for about 60 years. Then, what do you think can happify us for 60 years? Money is just temporary thing and money makes us greedy more and more. Only love can satisfy our happiness.

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-08-25
    Location : Gimhae

    Love or money Empty Re: Love or money

    Post  손명진2-3 Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:31 pm

    Money can satisfy people, of course. However, it can only satisfy but not imparadise. If someone asks me to chose between poor filled with love or a rich who has only money - I certainly would select first one. We can't live only with money. As 승현 said, money can make humans greedy without love. Especially the case of marriage, it's very important thing and almost only one chance. I think if mind is settled, half is done. We can trust each other and can find other alternatives if money is problem, but if love is problem, as all know, mind isn't a thing that can be bought by money, we can't solve or make it better. So I thought in marriage, love is more important than money.

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2011-08-26
    Age : 29

    Love or money Empty Re: Love or money

    Post  이주현2-1 Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:34 pm

    I think the most important factor I should consider when I decide who to marry definitely is love. Yes, I admit the fact that in this modern society, money is highly important thing we cannot live without. However, about marriage, I do not think money comes first. If you marry someone, you are likely to live with that person for the rest of your life unless you divorce. If you choose a rich person rather than a person you love, would it be possible to live with that person for such a long time? Of course that rich person can also make you happy by giving you lots of money. But, I think living with a person who you love will make you happier. Also, if you love that person, you will be able to forgive that person even if he or she did something wrong, but if you do not love that person, even a tiny problem of that person can lead to divorce. Therefore, I think love is the most crucial thing here.

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-08-25

    Love or money Empty Re: Love or money

    Post  이예지1-3 Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:29 pm

    Although I quite agree with opinion that love is more important,it is difficult to say exactly.
    Recently, we can't see only love excluding economic problem. We have heard about it many times that love can't keep a long time without special case and our society become more keen competition and unstable. So we may suffer from that economic problem. If surroundings become worse, people who love each other can expose hardness to their lovers. Of cousre not every do that, but simular circumstances can happen. But I think the most important thing is character to understand each other that money or love. If we understand and consider each other, we can make even worse circumstances better.

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