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GIMFL writing class

    Money can buy happiness?

    최연선 1-2

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-08-25

    Money can buy happiness? Empty Money can buy happiness?

    Post  최연선 1-2 Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:37 pm

    Money is important. At least, it is to me. And many people are working and studying to earn more money. Though, the money started as a mean for better interaction and negotiation, some people take the money as the ultimate goal. It is truth that "the money" can do a lot of things. But does the money can bring happiness to people?
    Maybe, some people might feel happiness by earning money or using money. Maybe, the money is not the only factor to make the happiness and it still needs something more to catch happiness. Maybe, without money, people will have numerous limitation on their lives which eventually leads to depression.

    Money might be the essential factor or not. What do you think? Do you think with the money people can buy happiness?

    (If there is just a case of earning happiness with only the money, that will be the proof that money actually can buy the happiness, since it is not about "should" but "can".) Very Happy

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